Thoughtless Badger – Development Diary 2

Wednesday 09/09/2013

Thoughtless Badger

Today we each pitched our individual high concept ideas, trying to brainstorm a core concept.
We each had some good ideas all ranging from distant planets populated all by badgers and other settings were humans ruled the world. Without going into detail, we decided upon one setting where badgers and humans populate the same world, but it is as if they live in separate times and perhaps whole different world. After deciding upon some basic core ideas and concepts we started to think it was time to start working on some individual tasks, and since I was lead artist I started working on some of the concept art. I felt it was a bit too early to start drawing lead characters, so I started sketching some environments and some general characters instead. Our game features some levels taking place underground and with that in mind I started researching some mines and I also looked up some badgers and some of the clothing used in the roaring twenties, because as mentioned the badgers and humans live on the same world but they are both very different from each other, for example: as an comic twist of sorts we implemented different themes for the two races:
the badgers dress as if they somehow got stuck in the roaring twenties, and the humans dress as if they are from our own time, the present so to say.

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